We are a reference point for numerous local, regional and global companies such as DM, Council of Europe, m:tel, Salveo, Banjalucka pivara, GSK, Unicredit bank, Swiss Embassy in BiH, Sparkasse Bank, Unilever, Avon, Viro Sugar Factory, UNDP BIH, OSCE, PwC, World Bank, IFC, Petrol, Jagermaister, Novo Nordisk...
Contact us for additional references and portfolio, our clients have nothing but praise for our work!
Experience our mix of creative and educative workshops and select the most suited one for your needs or mix several programs into one!
Dalmatinska 4.
71000 Sarajevo
Bosna i Hercegovina
Do you want your workshops outside the city hassle? Or maybe on the most frequent city square? Our team is completely mobile – we arrive at the scene with all necessary materials and equipment to ensure success on any location in BiH and region. Our trainings can be implemented indoor or outdoor, and duration can be adjusted based on your needs.
All our programs can be fully customized to your specific needs. Contact us and together we will find the solution.